PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act)

PREA Mission Statement  

Johnson County Corrections Center mandates zero tolerance towards all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment in all its facilities.  When a Johnson County operational subsidiary, business unit or program falls within the scope of the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) and the DOJ National Standards to prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape (Final Rule, dated June 2012) or Subpart A of the DHS Standards to Prevent, Detect and Respond to Sexual Abuse and Assault in Confinement Facilities (79. Fed. Reg. 13100 dated March 7, 2014), LaSalle will comply with these regulations as required.  

 It is the responsibility of every Johnson County employee to immediately report any information passed through them by inmates, staff, third party, another inmate, a volunteer, contractor, etc.  This will include and verbal or written reports of retaliation by other inmates or staff for reporting sexual abuse and sexual harassment, as well as staff neglect or violation of responsibilities that may have contributed to such incidents.  Staff will promptly document any verbal reports of sexual harassment, touching or other sexual act, even if the allegation may have occurs at another facility.  Aside from reporting this information to a designated supervisor or official, staff is not to share information related to a sexual abuse report other than to the extent necessary, as specified in agency policy, for treatment, investigation or security and management positions.  

 To make an allegation of inmate-on-inmate or staff-on-inmate sexual abuse or sexual harassment, please contact the Johnson County Corrections Center PREA coordinator.  Johnson County Corrections Center will ensure an administrative or criminal investigation for all allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment is completed.   

Jails PREA Policy

Report a PREA

2021 Facility Statistics Report

2022 Audit Report